dimanche 20 mai 2012

Michael et Jennifer

Jennifer à propos de Michael :

 "I walked out of the room and saw Michael Vartan in the office and said, 'Wow!'"

"He can do these longing looks like no one else on this planet."

“Jennifer, is it Michael's French charm that made you fall for him?”
Jennifer Garner: Of course! Michael helped me going through the trials caused by my split with Scott Foley. He's really the man I was looking for.

"He's smart, funny and handsome... and when he speaks French, forget it!"

"Hello??? He has a six year contract! He's not going anywhere! Do you think we'd kill off one of our hot guys? Thank you, no!"

"Michael is so intense, very focused and contained. He can do these quiet, longing looks like no one else on the planet."

"Of course.  It's still very new, and it's, it's lovely, but it's, it's just for us."

"That must make you feel really good [to hear that Michael is proud of you]."
"Yeah, it does." - 13 Going On 30 premire, April 2004

"We just talked to Michael, he said he was so proud of you. And how proud are you of him?"
"I couldnt be more excited for him." - 13 Going on 30 premire, April 2004

"Gosh, what makes it different is that it's happening now. But the things that I love are kindness, sense of humour, large scope of the world and he's a heck of a hockey player and really great on the guitar." - Women's World

"He's incredibly romantic and I am cautious. He's romantic, but in that way he allows me to be what I am. We're still such good friends. We can talk about anything and stay on the same page. It's very nice." - Jennifer on Michael, Dreamwatch (March 27 04) 


"Michael and I have been friends for two years, so it was very natural for us to expand that relationship." Dreamwatch (March 04)

"I would never kick Michael Vartan's ass. He is such a sweet man. And Vaughn is romancing Sydney right now in the sweetest way - it makes me blush to think about it." - US Weekly (Nov 18, 2002)

"Of course, Michael and I are dating" - Good Morning America

“Every day we pull out our bikes, we ride around the lot and ring our bells and say good morning to everyone.”

 Michael à propos de Jennifer :

"After all, she is a cutie-patootie."

"Jennifer is somehow, I think, gotten bigger than the show. She's amazing. I think people really like her."

"She walks in at 5 a.m., her hair is wet, her skin is perfect and she looks like a warm, fresh spring day. Despite discovering Armani makeup and false eyelashes ("my new obsession"), Garner, who lives in L.A. is "the antidiva," says Vartan.

"There are times when you're acting in a scene with her, and even when the cameras on you, all of a sudden, you just kind of lose yourself in her. And you're like, `Oh, wow.' I don't want to make it sound like this crazy intense thing, but she just sucks you in and you can't help it. I mean she's so beautiful but she's so vulnerable. She's just this puppy... All right, could we be any more in love with her? Seriously. Is that possible?"

"She's amazing, you just cannot stop watching her. I can see her being the next Julia Roberts. I can see her winning an Oscar. "But I can also see her three years from now saying, 'I quit' and moving to a farm somewhere and having a family, because ultimately that's the kind of person she is."

"I defy anyone not to have chemistry with her I don't know what it's called, you can't buy it or earn it, you've got it or you don't -- and she's got it. When you're acting with her, you get energized."

"Well, I think that is where a lot of her sexiness lies in the fact that she is not just a pretty face, she has got all these other great things: she can kick ass and she's smart and she's sensitive."

"[Garner] makes me smile every time I see her."

"She's my girlfriend.  End of story." People (November 03)

"Every day we pull out our bikes, we ride around the lot and ring our bells and say good morning to everyone."

"...Literally, her hair was like blowing in the wind, and she was walking towards me and she said," 'Good luck.' And I just thought, 'I have to get this role'."

"I think all of us fell for Jennifer when we met her."

TV Diary, 2004:  After Jen hops down a ledge on top Michael's back, while they're both laughing, he says, "You didn't prepare me!"

"It's her kindness and generosity that makes her even more beautiful."

"Jennifer would look beautiful wearing only a sponge."

Man: "You must be so darn proud."
Michael: (nodding) "I'm really proud."
Man: Ya bustin at the seams?"
Michael: "Absolutely, I can't wait to see it." (smiles) - 13 Going On 30 premiere, April 2004

"I am incredibly happy. She is so amazing." Dreamwatch Magazine

Your list of female co-stars includes Drew Barrymore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Garner. What did you do in a previous life to become so fortunate?
I must have been a coal miner in the late 1800s in Pennsylvania somewhere and either the mine collapsed or I died of black lung. But put Jennifer Garner at the top of that list.

How is your relationship with Jennifer Garner?
between us there is a perpetual exchange of good "favours".(laughs) At this moment, for instances, I'm teaching her french. It is so great to be able to speak french daily with the woman you love. On the other hand Jen allows me to assist when she's cooking! (laughs). She is an extraordinary cook! My participation is limited only to the cleaning and chopping of vegetables. Oh well that's already a good start.

Does your relationship help your work in Alias?
Jen and I were already good friends. The fact that we are together now hasn't change a thing in our working habits. On set everything works perfectly. There is never tension between us. When you're an actor it's important to separate your private from your professional life. I've never been so happy. She is fantastic.

On relationships: "How is your relationship with Jennifer?”
“Between us, it's a perpetual exchange of friendly services."(laughs) “At the moment, for example, I'm teaching her French. And I must admit that is very pleasant to speak French with woman that you love." - French Mag April/May 2004.

"Well, she definitely has this 13-year-old girl in her, but she's also a serious businesswoman."
(CNN, April 26th, 2004)

"Concept of marriage"... I'm not against it. I am very for it. I haven't really thought about it, but I do love the idea of being married and having a family.
"Home life with JG"... Yes, she's a fantastic cook. I am just content at being the 'sous' chef; I do the chopping and the peeling and the cleaning. I let her do the cooking, as I don't cook well! Our schedule is so grueling that when we do have time off, we usually do something quiet like that.

"Do you guys have any discussions about 'Oh, I don’t want to go to the premiere because I don't want people to talk about our relationship so much and take focus away from the movie'?"
"We just make a concerted effort to, you know, do these kinds of things separately because, you know, it’s hard enough to keep a private life as it is, so, why, why egg it on? You know?"
 "But things are going well?"
 "Yeah." - 13 Going On 30 premiere, April 2004

"She's amazing, you just cannot stop watching her. I can see her being the next Julia Roberts. I can see her winning an Oscar. "But I can also see her three years from now saying, 'I quit' and moving to a farm somewhere and having a family, because ultimately that's the kind of person she is."

"Well, I think that is where a lot of her sexiness lies in the fact that she is not just a pretty face, she has got all these other great things: she can kick ass and she's smart and she's sensitive." 

"It's her kindness and generosity that makes her even more beautiful."

“When I first met her I thought, ‘there's no way this girl gonna be Agent Bristow, 'coz she is so sweet’.” (It's from an interview with Michael Vartan from the Alias Season 1 Episode Press Kit)

"I must have been a coal miner in the late 1800s in Pennsylvania somewhere and either the mine collapsed or I died of black lung. But put Jennifer Garner at the top of that list." - SI.com's site

"I would not trade dating Jennifer for anything" - Sports Illustrated (May 31, 2004)

Les autres à propos de Michael et Jennifer :

"Their love is for real, but they don't want anybody to know about it yet." - Jennifer's friend , Star (August 19, 2003)

"This breaks new ground, doesn't it, for television drama? I mean, actually having people who look like they're supposed to get, get together? There's sort of a whole new twist to the recipe..." Terry O'Quinn 

Cooper, who plays journalist Will Tippin on ABC's hit spy drama, does have a lady dear to his heart, whom he met while a student at Georgetown University. But he confesses to having the hots for his very married co-star Jennifer Garner. He's quick to point out that actor Michael Vartan, who plays CIA agent Michael Vaughn, likes her too! "Michael and I both have huge crushes on Jennifer Garner. He'll call me up and be like: 'I handed her some papers today.' And I'll be like: 'Yeah, well, I got to touch her arm.' "

"Sometimes people have a magnetic pull and nothing can stop the forces from attracting" (October 2003)

"Michael would run errands for Jennifer, and shuttle her to and from the set" - pal, Star (August 19th, 2003)

"After hearing that Oscar-presenter girlfriend, Jennifer Garner, was craving her favorite fast food, thoughtful Michael Vartan showed up at the Vanity Fair after-party with a box full of In-N-Out burgers!" -- In Touch Weekly Magazine, March 15, 2004

1 commentaire:

  1. Cet article est génial! J'avais complètement oublié bcp de paroles d'eux! et sérieux j'adore les relire! ils étaient vraiment amoureux sans aucun doute!
